We are extremely happy to continue producing explainer videos and visual bumpers for ProSieben, especially for a very interesting category: ’What should I do if …? ’ applying the so called ’bullet time effect’.
Special effects are added to certain film scenes to reach a time freeze or bullet time effect. These effects are well known to moviegoers as they have been showing in the movie “The Matrix“, produced in 1999, that set a milestone in terms of computer-generated special effects. ’Bullet time’ (also known as ’frozen moment’) is an extreme transformation of time, slow enough to show normally imperceptible and unfilmable events, such as flying bullets.
Our challenge: a low budget and a production time of maximum two weeks for five ’bullet time effect’ series. A thorough briefing at the start was necessary. In addition, we have also taken part in the first shootings.
Thanks a lot to Tango Film for the excellent cooperation in this project!
Unsere Herausforderung: Mit kleinem Budget und in einer Produktionszeit von maximal 2 Wochen 5 Bullet Time Einstellungen pro Folge zu erstellen.
Dafür war ein ausführliches Briefing zu Beginn unerlässlich. Zusätzlich waren wir auch beim ersten Dreh dabei um sicherzugehen das alles passt.
Vielen Dank an Tango Film für die super Zusammenarbeit.